
Marc Richard

Marc Richard

An ambitious and driven entrepreneur, he swapped a job in the City for one in the Furniture industy, and can be found currently exhibiting at 100% Design. Website - Roger Lewis If they were to ma...

Sam Aylott

Sam Aylott

A very talented designer focussed on the high-end and luxury market.Instagram - @sam.aylottIf they were to make a toy action figure of you, what would your accessory be?A pedal bike, im obsessed wi...

Johanna Schmidt

Johanna Schmidt

I worked with Johanna on a number of developments at Habitat, and since then she has gone on to design pieces for NEXT and BHS.If they were to make a toy action figure of you, what would your acces...

Steuart Padwick

Steuart Padwick

I met Steuart when I was at MADE and it was a pleasure working with him on a number of designs that came to define the company. TWebsite - they were to make an action figure ...

Lucy Kurrein

Lucy Kurrein

A very talented designer, and already making a name for herself due to collaborations with SCP and Conran. Website - If they were to make a toy action figure of you, what would yo...