Organised by Abigail Warner for Top Drawer January 2019 RetailFest presents an inspiring and innovative line-up of speakers, industry experts and influencers.
I took part in the TrendTalks - The Trend Report on day one, on the panel chatting about Six Trends Redefining Interiors and Retail for the year ahead. Along with Louise Healy-Adonis, AD of Futures - Flamingo Global and Sommer Pyne, Founder - House Curious.
Please excuse the faces I’m pulling in the video at that time I had a fixed dental brace!
“Across the board, people are finding beauty in the imperfect, such as uneven fruit from the greengrocer. Even Ikea is asking their factories in the Far East to leave a thumb print or similar on their vases to make them unique and imperfect rather than having them all looking exactly the same." - Kirsty Whyte
Read more about the presentation here