Signs Of Life
Obviously the Chinese and English language are poles apart. In structure, pronunciation and of course how it looks on paper.Saying that I'm frequently surprised by local Chinese trying out their English on me, and shamed by my lack of Mandarin. I'm sure many people will have seen the popular 'Engrish' web pages but here are a few of my own that have raised a smile :)
This is the best one of all…but advice I think we should all follow!
Signage doesn’t seem to be standardized, its more of an expression od your individuality!
One legged man crossing.
Floating children crossing
Nonchalantly leaning may lead to purgatory.
A little too graphic for me.
Spotted in Vietnam.
My friend Owen posted this one on Instagram and it was too good not to add as a guest entry.
Much nicer then Open.
I couldn’t find the Gas Master, I was more concerned by the fact I didn’t have a gas mask on.
No need for that type of language (tights company).
Simple but effective.
Smoking bad, smiling good.
From Thailand, run downstairs if fire, run upstairs if Tsunami. Don’t get confused.
This ones hard to see (via a taxi window) but you’ll be glad to know this florists, also stocks ‘Modern Typeface Helvetica’.
A warning for all those goth girls out there!
Thank god that sign was there fewh!
You would be surprised..was in the airport this week and someone tries to take the trolley down the escalator…it didn’t end well.
Be careful of landslide – always good to be prepared.
They had a baby Multi story car park around the corner!
And here it is in use.