No this isn't a cheap trick to get more views on my website.
Having a well coiffured pooch is serious business here in Shanghai. Especially with our recent inclement weather; it's not like they have fur or anything to keep them warm!
It is never long until you spot a well healed canine strutting the pavement with its doting owner.
The only issue is I'm always to distracted by what the latest trend the dogs wearing to get a decent photograph! So there are allot of doggy bottoms I'm afraid!
Dog is a mans best friend, but looking at the outfits below I think dogs would like to review the situation!
“Thriller, Thriller nights…” Shamon!
The Jumpsuit; it never goes out of style!
More traditional attire (he looked like a lion)!
Having a dog in China isn't just for companionship it is also a statement about wealth; that you can afford to feed another mouth that isn't human. And as with all fashion/social statements only the best is good enough!
Hoodies are so in right now.
You can be my wing man any time!
Ahhh a girl dog…I hope.
The apré ski look. Something a bit weird about a dog wearing fur!
His and hers.
Just chilling at work.
Hip Hop don’t stop.
This is the smallest dog ever..
No this is! See the boots to the right for scale.
And I know this dog isn’t wearing any additional attire, but wow is he fluffy!
Dog Brogues, very Shoreditch.
I can't wait to see what Spring/Summer 2012 looks there'll be!