Its a rainy Saturday here in Shanghai, so no excuses not to do some design work (when there's sun it's much easier to be distracted).
Procrastinating at my desk, trying to think what I want to design with my time wasn't getting me anywhere. Back in the Uk I have boxes of art materials, wire, wood and. Adios model making paraffinalia for just such and instance where I can doodle and model make to my hearts content.
In Shanghai I'm severely lacking fun creative nick nacks.
So I threw my more frugal side to the wind and went on an art shop search.
A Taxi ride away on 859 Xikang Road was Marie’s Painting Materials an art materials oasis; reminiscent of my old friend Atlantisin East London. Trading since 1919 (that's what is says on the business card, although some websites say 1993), it is an Aladdin's cave, of brushes, canvases, paint a plaster busts.

I didn’t realise Kryten and Ross Kemp were so popular in China.

As I wandered around grinning filling my basket Paulsmiled and said "this is like the Apple store for you isn't it?!"

Paper masks?

Bust of Stalin for your home?

Getting foam board cut down.

All this for £27 bargain, finally something cheaper in China than the UK.

I managed to get quite a hoard of all the basic materials, plus a few extras for nieces and nephews when I'm back home next

Blog done, no excuses now; back to the design grind stone!