
100% Designersblock Party!

100% Designersblock Party!
Designersblock party 7 Party away those aching feet! At the Designersblock party on Sat 26th Sept - whether they ached from manning your stand all day or walking around the marathon of shows; once the music pumped and the punch flowed all was forgotten and the night began! The Designersblock office is amazing, an old converted pub that is a mash-up of Hackney squat mixed with uber cool design nuggets in each room. It oozes charm and eccentricity-much like it residents! Sophie Hedderwick and I had a little nozey around before the party really got going. Beer o'clock. This is the Designersblock bathroom with artwork by Chrisine Guitan-a brilliant surprise; with one seat where you get the best view of it! To see Christine painting this work follow this YouTube video. Erik Griffioen with his boogie shoes on. followed by some Puff&Flock moves... Enjoy these short videos: Footloose more like footless. All I needed was new feet for the next day of standing all over again.

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Design week final instalment - 2009 -100% Design Design